Thursday, August 20, 2009

YIM, Boston - OPEN SESSION on Sept 11th 2009

The hosts of the YIM, Boston received ~200 outstanding applications for the closed session on Sept 12-13 2009 of which around 40 have been selected for the meet. Going by the overwhelming response for the event and the inability to accommodate all those who applied, there will now be an open meet on September 11th from 3:55PM to 7:30PM. This will be an unique opportunity to network with faculty, researchers from various prestigious institutions.

Date & Time:
Fri, Sept 11; 3:55PM-7:30PM

MIT, Bldg E25
Room. 111
Cambridge, MA 02139

The tentative program for the session is as follows:

• 3:55 – 4:20 Arrival/ Mingle

• 4:20 – 4:30 Introduction to YIM Open Sessions

• 4:30 – 6:00 Presentations
o The Bangalore Cluster
Satyajit Major (NCBS), Ramaswamy Subramanian (Center for Cellular and Molecular Platforms), Vijay Raghavan (NCBS), Jyotsna Dhawan (iSTEM)

o The HBS Cluster in Delhi
Martha Gray (THSTI), Dinakar Salunke (UNESCO RCB), Satyajit Rath (THSTI-Child Biology Center), Sudhanshu Vrati (THSTI-Vaccine Research Center)

o The CSIR System
Rajesh Gokhale (IGIB), Gautam Biswas

o The IISERs, IIT, TIFR (Hyderbad)
KN Ganesh/Shashidhara (IISER Pune), Pradip Sinha (IITK), Jitu Mayor (TIFR)

o Grant Opportunities / NIH – Thomas Mampilly

o DBT/Welcome Trust - Natesh, TS Rao

o DST – Hari Gopal

• 6:00 – 7:00 Panel Discussions on Emerging India
o Satyajit, Jitu, Jyotsna, Sashidhara, KN Ganesh, Pradip Sinha, Dinakar Salunke, Natesh, Hari Gopal, moderated by Martha Gray

• 7:00 – 8:00 Food/ Mingle

Please RSVP to Nandita Shetty at

Monday, August 17, 2009

Young Investigator Meeting, Kolkotta, 2010

Dear Friends of the Bay Area YIM

I am writing to inform you about the second Young Investigator Meeting (Feb. 8-13, 2010) in Kolkata. This gathering should be of great interest to postdoctoral fellows who are working abroad or within India and might be potentially interested in an academic career in India. The meeting also will be attended by Indian junior faculty, and we seek applications from this group as well. The meeting will take place in an attractive resort along the Ganges River in the viciniity of Kolkata. Travel will be covered or mostly covered from a grant (depending upon the final funding).

Information on the meeting, the invited participants, meeting site and application information can be found at:

In brief, this meeting follows upon a very successful first Young Investigator Meeting held in Kerala in 2009. The response to this
meeting was extraordinarily positive, and it was very motivating and informative for both the young and senior scientists who attended. There was high demand for a similar meeting in 2010. The main attendees of the 2010 meeting will be 30 postdoctoral fellows and 30
Indian junior faculty (both picked through an application and selection process) and a distinguished group of international
scientists, senior Indian scientists, and leaders in Indian government and international granting agencies (see web site for details). The meeting will consist of a combination of science as well as mentoring on issues of how to set up a successful laboratory (through talks, panel discussions and poster sessions). Importantly, the meeting provides a venue for young people (the future leaders of Indian biology) to meet each another and discuss their questions with scientific leaders who are interested in mentoring young people. For the 2010 meeting, we will include a new 1 day satellite meeting where invited postdoctoral fellows will learn more about jobs in India and interact with institute/university directors and chairs.

As an important component of this meeting, we are seeking outstanding postdoctoral researchers who might consider applying for jobs and
setting up their laboratories India. These postdoctoral scientists will present their work (with brief talks and posters) and will benefit enormously from the opportunity to meet young Indian investigators, learn more about the current environment for scientific
research in India, and hear about developments that will take place in the near future. We would greatly appreciate if you could bring this
meeting to the attention of other postdoctoral researchers at your institution or elsewhere. We also are seeking outstanding junior
faculty in India (or abroad who might return to India). If you know of such individuals, please bring this meeting to their attention as well.

If you have questions, please email the organizers, Deepak Barua, Sandhya Koushika (NCBS), Shubha Tole (TIFR,
Mumbai), or Ron Vale (UCSF) individually or through the meeting contact at

Application are through the web site:

As an additional note, this web will be fully functional in about 4-6 weeks, and it will hopefully become a central hub of information and interactions.

Best regards,


Ron Vale
Chair, Dept. of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
Investigator, HHMI
University of California, San Francisco