Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Young Investigator Meet in Boston


The Translational Health Sciences and Technology Insititute, India, will organize a young investigator meet in Boston, in Sep 12-13th, 2009. This is geared towards young postdoctoral fellows and graduate students at advanced stages of their career, and who plan to start an academic career in India.
The fellows will be selected for short oral and poster presentations, which will be attended by the leaders of Indian academic organizations. There will be talks by Indian academic leaders on the academic environment, opportunities and challenges. This meeting will be restricted to a total of 30 postdoctoral fellows and senior graduate students who plan to start an independent faculty career in the next one to two years. Candidates will be selected based on CV and a one page research and vision statement. Please send in your application to Dr. Shiladitya Sengupta at shiladit@mit.edu by the 30th of June. Selected candidates will be informed by the 15th of July. We will try to arrange partial travel grants to defray costs of attending the meeting.Please contact Dr. Shiladitya Sengupta at shiladit@mit.edu for further information.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, When will be the nxt meeting and where. whats the procedure for application. Please let me know the details. thanks.
    Sidhartha Hazari
